Sunday, June 12, 2011

God Given Challenges

In the most challenging days, in the hardest things to see, and in the broken places we will go, we must remember one thing-God holds the world in His hands.
"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song." Isaiah 12:2 
That was a verse that I had to keep reminding myself of as I experienced one of the hardest and most challenging days of my life. Driving in a hot tiny bus with 27 people for 2 hours to Port au Prince and 2 hours back made me and a lot of people feel sick, and also driving through the most broken place is what led me to having a very hard day. As I was drenched in sweat, and feeling horrible, I looked outside the window and saw a baby boy getting bathed in the street from the water that was gathered up on curb. The families torn up tent was right beside them and the baby was crying. At that moment, my heart literally hurt. It made me realize how selfish I can be sometimes. Here I am thinking about how miserable I am feeling, and at that same time I was witnessing the most unreal destruction. Throughout the rest of the ride I was wrestling in my mind with how I was feeling and what I was seeing. As I was trying to wrap my mind around everything I just needed to remember to take all my thoughts and broken heart to God. He really is the only one that understands everything.
We met at the campus crusade "office" and experienced one of the campus crusade weekly meetings. Many of the students shared a message. Sharing takes a lot of time because everything has to be translated. Its hard to even understand the translator sometimes but thats when I pray for patience and for understanding. It really is amazing to hear what is going on in the students hearts. They are so wise, so on fire for God and they are so passionate when they speak. I have so much to learn from them. Towards the end as it had been 8 hours since we had eaten and had been sitting in the hottest room, God was challenging me to still keep my focus on Him. He really pushed me to find him in the difficult situations yesterday. I really experienced an amazing moment when the whole room held hands and prayed our own prayers out loud. It was so cool to be holding two Haitian girls hands on either side of me and listen to everyone pray out loud in english and in creole. At that moment God really did humble me and lifted my spirit. I also got in a much happier mood when I danced with one of the college students to praise songs! They love to dance! It was a little embarrassing but so much fun! He couldnt stop thanking me for dancing with him, it was so sweet. 
Some of the tents that people live in. 
It was so good to talk with Brooke and Sam last night for a little bit. I was getting really homesick yesterday and it was such a blessing to hear their voice and encouraging words. Hard days like yesterday make me feel ready to go home soon. I know I still have quite a while here so its always a blessing to be encouraged from my family back home knowing that God is going to do amazing things in me these next 2 weeks. I know that not every day is going to be easy and go smoothly, but I am reminded that God plans out every detail of my days and I can face dificulites along the way confidently in His amazing strength. I am thankful for Gods promise of always being with us. I am blessed for the friends I have made here and how at the end of the day we can laugh about the hard times we go through together. Please continue to pray for me and for Haiti! I love my family. 

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