Monday, June 20, 2011

You Are All I Need

After Church with the sweetest Mom and little girl. She kept calling me beautiful after everything I said to her.  
Ephesians 3:20-21 " Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

Yesterday was my fourth Sunday here. I cant believe there is only one more week to go. As I was in church, apart me felt sad that I only have one more Haitian church service left, but the other part of me feels so excited to get home and share with everyone what God has done in my life here. There is nothing like watching Haitians praise God. Even though I felt like I was melting from feeling the 110 degree weather, and even though I was extremely uncomfortable during the 3 hour service, I was smiling with joy in my heart as I worshiped God with the Haitians. I love meeting people and holding their children after the services. I know I will miss that. After lunch, I sat against the school underneath the shade with some of the Haitian children and families. Some of the Haitians will hang around after church and stay on the compound for as long as possible until they have to go back to their mud huts. Its so sad to think about but thats why building relationships is so important to them. They loved it when I showed them pictures of my family. So many of the kids were around me playing with my hair, my hands, and just tried to sit as close to me as possible. I was feeling pretty homesick yesterday, which is why it felt so good to recieve so much love from them. When I start missing home and my family, the love that the kids show me makes it all better. Ive learned that we are all one family.
I love this little one. 
Cutest twins ever. They lost both their parents in the earthquake. Its so amazing to watch them interact together. The twin bond is a very special thing. I miss and love you Brookie.
I also walked over to the village yesterday and played with some of the orphans in the childrens home. I played duck duck goose with the cutest kids. Its amazing to see their faces and how hard they laugh over just running after each other. The two twin boys in the picture are orphans. They lost both their parents in the earthquake. I couldnt help but think of Brooke when I was running around with them. They completely reminded me of the bond that Brooke and I share, always sticking together and laughing at each other. I love you Brookie!
I come home in 10 days. Even though Ive hit my peanut butter and jelly sandwitch wall, my cornflakes for breakfast wall, the cold shower wall, always being dirty wall, and the scorching heat wall, I know that I have to cherish every last minute of every day. God is making something beautiful out of everything that I experience. He has stretched me so much and I am so grateful for that. Please continue to pray for me as I start and finish my last week here.

God Bless You, Cam

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